Heavy Duty Single Solar Gate Opener

This installation was done by one of our customers with our largest, most robust swing gate opener we have. This is the Heavy Duty Single Solar Gate Opener kit called the DT3 Plus. This ram is lower geared giving it more power and better holding factor, but a slightly slower speed. The manual release system is slightly different in the way the ram lifts off the gate as apposed to the twist style. Due to its higher holding factor, this type of ram is more suitable for high wind situations and/or enclosed gates that wind can become a factor. As always, this system is fully stand alone solar powered unit requiring no 240 volt input.

A big thank you to Mitch Hepner at Hepner Homes for their business and support. Hepner homes can meet all of your building and home requirements. They can be reached at and are based in Woodford, QLD.